April Rocks Monthly Planner!
I love April! April is one of my favorite months of the year. Spring is officially in the air, Easter is often celebrated this month, and my birthday is on the 21st. I am not one to celebrate my birthday all month long but I do look forward to it every year.
The saying “April Showers Bring May Flowers” was the inspiration for this month’s planner cover. I am not a fan of storms but I do love to watch it rain. There is something about a steady rainfall that makes me feel calm and centered. I also love the smell in the air when we are expecting rain.
April Fool’s Day is on the 1st. It technically isn’t one of my favorite days of the month but it can be fun. I prefer the harmless pranks people pull rather than the inappropriate ones. Basically, if the prank makes someone cry, I end up feeling bad.
I designed the interiors of my planners to be simple. I love to write and I write big. So, a lined planner with plenty of space to write is perfect for me.
All 12 months of the year are already available for purchase on Amazon. Each month has a cover inspired by something related to that month.
What do you associate with the most during your birthday month? Please share by posting a comment.
Have a great day and happy Spring!